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Courses & Community for the Creative


Independent & Traditional Publishing

Book Cover Design & Graphic Design

Social Media
Courses for creatives
3D Hereos: $39 /Month
I've been in the book industry since 2012 and I've noticed something major in that time. There are a lot of questions left unanswered for those stepping into the industry. Whether it's "gate keeping", a lack of transparency, or not knowing who to ask those questions to, I've gotten tired of finding more and more peolpe coming into publishing the hard way. Coming in alone.
I decded to do something about this by creating my own community and offering courses for creatives at affordable prices so that anyone can learn what it's like on the "other side" of publishing.
If you're interested in being published this is the spot for you. Or, if you're interested in learning more about book cover design, social media for authors, and writing prodcutivity, this is also for you.

Why community?
Why is community so important to creatives?
Being a creative often means creating alone. Since 2012 I've been attending writing conferences to connect with other writers, creating space on my social media platforms for connection, and speaking to groups (both large and small) about the importance of community (among other things). It was time I created a space for it for all.
Join the community starting at $1.99/month
When you join the EAH Coalition you are connecte with other writers, published authors, and readers who crave the same type of connection you do.